How To Create A Video Abstract

How To Create A Video Abstract

Abstracts play an important role in your academic papers. They provide a brief on the information that is contained in the paper. Abstracts can be hard to write but they are well worth it. The one problem with abstracts is that they can still be lengthy and require reading. 

In today’s world we have a heavy focus on video driven content so a startup known as Abstract Tube has aimed to change that game. Abstract Tube hosts video abstracts that are easier to digest and can improve your project greatly. 

That being said, you might not know how to create a video abstract. We are going to help you with that today.

Write Your Traditional Abstract And Work From There

Your traditional abstract should be the first thing that you work on. Create it and then condense it from there. Once you have a condensed abstract, you want to convert that into a script. 

A script should be written line by line and designate when you should take pauses. In said script, you will also need to pick your language carefully to keep it relatable. Preventing the script from being dry is also important.

Find A Good Place To Film

The ideal place to film will be well lit and have low background noise. Remember that any kind of abstract is supposed to be professional so your setting should be such. We recommend an office, library room, classroom, or similar area. 

Many schools allow you to reserve a classroom when it is not in use. If you are a researcher, professional, or academic of another kind, you can often rent library rooms at your local library or a conference room at your office.

Use A Good Camera On A Tripod

Modern cell phones have remarkable cameras. Many of them will film in 4K quality. A quality cell phone camera will be okay for recording but if you lack that, we recommend that you rent or borrow a better camera. 

From there you will need to mount it on a tripod or similar device so that the camera gets a good view and doesn’t move. A phone tripod will run you only $13 on Amazon. Alternatively, a friend or colleague can hold the camera.

Speak Loudly And Clearly But With Emotion

When you are recording you are going to want to speak loudly so that your voice comes across clearly in the recording. But you want to keep in mind that emotion is important to keep in your video abstract. A dry video abstract is hard to get through, just like a dry abstract. 

We recommend that you go through and check your video before leaving your recording space. Make sure that everything is good. A video abstract should be no longer than 10 minutes, so it isn’t hard to do multiple takes.

Edit Your Video

A number of free video editing software exists. IMovie is an example of that software and it comes with Apple devices. Here are a few others:
  • Windows Movie Maker
  • VSDC Free Editor
  • Lightworks
  • Hitfilm Express
  • Shortcut

The goal of editing is not to make a filmatic masterpiece, instead you are trying to make sure the volume is consistent, you edit in credits and title. You trim the footage to the times that you want.
In the end, you should have a well prepared video. You should be proud to have prepared it and be ready to post it.

What To Do With Your Video Abstract

First, make sure that you have a backup copy of your video abstract. Backups are incredibly important because you never know when you may lose a piece of digital work. Once you have it backed up it is time to post the abstract. 

We highly recommend you post your abstract to YouTube, it is a major player in the media world and it will help your abstract to get attention. However, the academic world does have its equivalent, Abstract Tube. Post your video to Abstract Tube in order to share it with the greater academic world.

With these tips you will be well prepared to create a video abstract and then upload it to Abstract Tube and YouTube. Make sure that you give yourself enough time to complete the uploads as they will take some time.